Performance Analysis of Cloud-based Deep Learning Models on Images Recovered without Channel Correction in OFDM System

Published in IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC), 2022


Channel correction plays an important role in performance of wireless communication systems. In conventional systems, channel estimation is one of the blocks at receiver side to compute channel impulse response. Various algorithms have been proposed to make them efficient and improve their performance. However, precise channel estimation incurs additional computational cost and increases complexity of the overall system. In this study, we have considered the otherwise to bypass channel estimation of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based image communication system designed to enable cloud-based deep learning (DL) computation. The simulations present performance analysis of OFDM system with and without channel correction in-terms of bit error rate (BER), and two image quality measures. Recovered image quality difference between the two systems significantly increases with higher Eb/N0. For inferencing analysis, in higher Eb/N0 regions, model performance on images recovered with correction is same as on the original images while lags behind by 6% on images without correction. In lower Eb/N0 regions, the model accuracy reduces by 10% on average for both systems. In addition, the model accuracy shows overlapping pattern in that region and for 3 dB, it has performed better on images recovered without correction.

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